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Next meeting: 

A Parish Council  meeting of Upwood and the Raveleys Parish Council will be held on Monday, 6 January 2025 at 7:30pm at Upwood Village Hall. The agenda is published here eherethree clear working days in advance of the meeting and on each of the five noticeboards. 

Parish Clerk – Mrs Jo Russel, 2 Hatchet Lane, Stonely, St Neots, Cambridgeshire PE19 5EG. Tel: 07835 939547. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Meeting minutes:

Parish Council minutes 2020 onwards 

Parish Council Minutes Archive 2008 - 2019 

Parish Council Minutes Archive 1894 - 2007



Click here to view or download the parish council's calendar for 2023/2024.

Parish Councillors - Portfolio Roles and Responsibilities & Contact Details

Click here to see current news items.

Parish Council Policies & Procedures  – (All policy documents are subject to review at the Annual Parish Council Meeting held in May each year and as required by changes to legislation).

Parish Council news is reported every month in the Ramsey and Warboys Informer.

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Transparency and openness should be the fundamental principle behind everything councils and other local government bodies do, and new rights have been introduced by the Openness of Local Government Bodies 2014, enabling members of the public to know how decisions are made. All policies and procedures of Upwood and the Raveleys Parish Council demonstrate full compliance with these regulations and the parish council embraces an open media policy which encourages engagement with the press.

The regulations allow members of the public including citizens and professional journalists to:

  • use modern technology and communication methods such as filming, audio-recording, blogging and tweeting to report the proceedings of the meetings of their councils and other local government bodies
  • see information relating to significant decisions made outside meetings by officers acting under a general or specific delegated power.

The government's "Plain English Guide" provides practical information that will help the public to exercise their new rights under the Regulations, and explain what they should expect from their councils and other local government bodies.

This part of the website is managed by Upwood and the Raveleys Parish Council. The parish council wants as many people as possible to be able to use the website and is continually making improvements to enable greater accessibility. The parish council adopted its Website Accessibility Statement in March 2020 and this was updated in September 2020 in line with The Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) Accessibiity Regulations 2018. AbilityNet has advice on making your device easier to use if you have a disability.