Also, check those links:
Community Coffee Morning
for everyone
For all in the community to enjoy and special attention to children Homemade delicious soups, cheese & bread and their families with various activities.
(gluten free friendly) Tea & Coffee Cakes, raffle and more... Gluten free available
All donations to Charities
Part of the United Benefice of The Ramseys and Upwood in the Diocese of Ely
The Parishes of St Thomas a Becket, St Peter's, Upwood and St Mary's, Ramsey St Mary's
Benefice Rector: Rev'd Joe Magill Tel:07414 612791
Curate: Reverend Maggie Tate-Druiff 01487 900278
St Peter's Churchwardens: Jean Place Tel: 01487 813742, Robin Singleton 01487 711169
Church website or see
Please check details of services on the church poster
We also have a Morning Prayer every Wednesday at for 30 mins
1st Sunday
2nd Sunday
3rd Sunday
Service in Ramsey St Mary's Church
No Service in Upwood St Peter
4th Sunday
5th Sunday |
times vary
United Benefice Service.
(venue varies - please check) |
Upwood St Peter's Handbells